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Wedding & Event Music

Hey all! I know that when throwing an event one of the most important things we think about is setting the mood. Even if your low key and want to keep it mellow or throw a huge bash, music is always key to setting the stage for your wedding or event. So many things to consider like; is this event a wedding, company party, birthday, anniversary, etc and who are your guests? Keeping your audience in mind is key! How do I keep them entertained? How do I set the tone for the atmosphere? Will there be dancing? Is this formal? Do I want a DJ or live music? So many questions we ask ourselves when planning an event or wedding.


Hiring a seasoned professional DJ or musician is oh so important for your wedding day. I understand staying on budget but finding a

good balance between budget and professionalism should be noted.

I have researched the web and found a great article on the importance behind the music that I think is worth the read so I would like to share with you today!


The professionals here at the collective are some of the Rogue Valley's best and would love to take the time and sit and talk with you about your upcoming wedding or event. You can find out more about our professionals by clicking HERE to learn more and set up a consultation!






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